How to develop a winning strategy for poultry feed sales

17 September 2024
4 minutes

In a competitive poultry feed market, the feed producer that sells the most effective solutions to market questions will be the winner. But how can you triumph? “Identifying the main challenges faced by the poultry sector is crucial,” says Jos Nijhuis, Account Manager at Koudijs. "From our experience, 90% are recurring questions, whether from the market or within the organisation. Therefore, having the best answers to these questions and effectively translating them back into the market is the key to success."

Dynamic market

“It sounds straightforward, but the market and poultry management are dynamic processes filled with opportunities for improvement and challenges to overcome,” says Jos van Arkel, Poultry Specialist. Questions can include how to reduce phosphorus to meet government regulation, improving meat or egg quality, and solutions for foot pad dermatitis.

“It's hard to keep track of the vast amount of research conducted worldwide, and it's often very scientific and difficult to understand. We invest considerable time in translating this knowledge into practical advice,” says van Arkel. “We know that many producers find it difficult to keep up with all the latest developments. That’s why Koudijs has developed an approach that helps producers answer these recurring questions effectively.”

90% of questions revolve around 5 or 6 topics

Just like with other species, the questions poultry farmers ask their feed suppliers typically focus on only 5 or 6 topics. This presents a significant opportunity: if your company has ready answers to these questions and can effectively sell these solutions, you will become the market leader.

Koudijs has identified these so-called "BIG 5" topics and has outlined solutions and influencing factors for each. These topics include issues such as footpad lesions, wooden breast in broilers, eggshell quality in layers, or fertility rates in breeder hens.


That is just the beginning…

The solutions for the these topics are merely the starting point. To successfully sell these solutions and achieve the desired results, all pillars of the feed business must be at the right level. For instance, improving eggshell quality is not only about providing feed with the correct nutritional values. Other aspects such as accurate analysis, production technical specifications like grinding fineness, and procurement-related matters like raw material consistency also play crucial roles. The key pillars are outlined in the following diagram:

Increase sales by strengthening the weaker pillars

In collaboration with our customers, we provide support in strengthening each pillar. This is not about offering complex theoretical solutions but rather a hands-on practical approach. Whether it involves sharing nutritional knowledge, training advisors to make accurate analyses, or collaborating with your procurement department to develop the right purchasing strategy, you can rely on our assistance.

How does it work in practice?

The Koudijs Poultry Approach helps you decide where to focus attention, either by increasing the practical knowledge of your sales representatives or by providing a sparring partner with experience in nutrition and production. The approach requires the combined efforts of your team, the  Koudijs account manager and our Poultry specialist to develop a strategy that best suits your needs.

With this approach, we work together on:

  • How to analyse the questions being asked
  • What data is needed and how to collect it
  • What specialties are needed to generate answers
  • How to advise and sell these solutions
  • How to follow up on these solutions

Decide what’s the weakest pillar in the organisation

Generally, feed mill companies are built on six pillars. A single weak pillar can directly impact the others and, consequently, the company's success. To stay competitive, it's crucial to continually assess the strength of these pillars and address any areas that need strengthening.

If the analysis shows that the sales team's knowledge needs improvement, we develop a plan to enhance it. This could include practical training to help them ask the right questions in meetings with customers or identify problems in the barn that can have an impact on results, whatever subject it is we are able to support you with practical knowledge.

Our approach is to help feed millers analyse the problem and equip them with the confidence and knowledge to solve it. We can build together behind the scenes, but in the market, it will be your approach and your success that counts.

Jos Nijhuis

Account Manager

Develop confidence and knowledge

Thanks to our background in feed milling, we understand the challenges faced by feed millers. As part of a larger company with extensive knowledge in feed production and sales, we can support you across all these areas. "Our approach is to help feed millers analyse the problem and equip them with the confidence and knowledge to solve it," says Jos Nijhuis. "We can build together behind the scenes, but in the market, it will be your approach and your success that counts."

Want to know more about how The Koudijs Poultry Approach can help you triumph in your market?