Reaching the highest efficienties through maximizing growth and meat quality versus feed costs. Feed costs result from feed prices and feed conversion. A broad knowledge about demands and feeding of fatteners combined with a deep and detailed knowledge about the nutritional valuation of feed ingredients give us the right papers to advise on formulation and production of your pig feeds.
Combining deep ingredient knowledge with nutrition for your profits

Premixes to match your demands
The capabilities of your production facilities, raw material source and quality plus requirements from your market determine the premix for fatteners we deliver. Together with the relevant advice you enable your farmers and farms to reach the highest and predictable results boosting their profitability. Based on our daily activities we can estimate the relevance and contribution of each element like production, testing and application of raw materials to the success of you and that of your pig farms and farmers.

Challenges we can help you with
Are there any challenges we can help you with?
We have the answers to your question
This is an easy calculation, but a hard question. For reduction of feed input costs it is most important to know the real needs of the fatteners, besides the true nutritional value of the feed and the daily feed intake. Through our global raw material analysis, our research into the nutritional requirements and daily presence in stables we can support your knowledge with these numbers, experience and calculation models. Combining your and our knowledge will for sure reduce the feed costs.
Of course the measures to optimize feed costs can be used to ensure your feed delivers the growth you are expecting. However, more factors need to be considered. The fastest growing fatteners and finishers with the highest efficiencies optimally use their feeds. Therefore their gut and intestinal health need to be in the best possible shape. Finding the most effective balance between feed intake, growth and gut health a lot of R&D efforts and many field trials have been conducted by our specialist teams. The final on farm application and resulting feedback from the field are the real proof. You will experience that through our sharing of these results and the accompanying technical conversations you will be making further refinements helping you to improve bit by bit every day.
The feed and the way of feeding has a lerge impact on intestinal health by making choices in areas like:
- crude cell matter
- milling fineness
- protein sources
- way of adminstering the feed
- acid sources and acidity
- supporting products
Always take into account that a solution for one issue does not lead to an increased sensitivity towards the other issue. For example a number of approaches can mitigate dysentery but have a negative impact on Lawsonia